In the event the building sustains a power failure, emergency lighting should be available in the stairwells. Stairwell emergency lighting is powered by either a battery back-up system or emergency generator. Generally, HVAC equipment, lights, outlets, most elevators and telephone equipment will not be operational, however, check with the property team to become familiar with the systems that are in place at your building.
- The property team will contact the electric company to attempt to find out the cause of the outage and the anticipated duration of the outage.
- Turn off all appliances, computers and other equipment. If equipment is turned on and a power surge occurs, the surge may damage equipment.
- Floor Wardens and the Emergency Response Team meet in the elevator lobby to determine if any people are trapped in the elevators. If so, ask the occupants to remain calm and determine if anyone is injured. Let them know that you are requesting assistance. Call 911 if people are injured or in danger. Floor Wardens contact the Management Office and inform them of the entrapment, status and location of the elevator car.
- Elevator Monitors stay in contact with the trapped individuals until assistance arrives. Reassure them that assistance is on the way.
- If the power outage becomes lengthy (an hour or more) and the electric company does not know how long the power will be out, the property team will provide information and direction to the tenants. Reassure them that assistance is on the way. The building may close for business. [See the Evacuation Section of this Guide.]
- The Emergency Response Team reports to their posts and prepares to evacuate the floor according to the Evacuation Plan when notified by the Floor Warden.