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The building may be fully or partially evacuated when a fire alarm signal is sounded. An effective evacuation depends on the orderly ‘phasing’ of floor clearance, which means that generally the fire floor is evacuated first and immediately. Generally, the next floors to evacuate should be the two floors directly above the fire floor, followed by the two floors directly below. Specific evacuation procedures vary slightly by location and code. The Emergency Person In Charge (EPIC) will be in charge of the evacuation until the fire department arrives.

Building occupants must create an environment that supports cooperation with the Emergency Response Team to ensure that all employees are well informed and instructed on evacuation procedures and comply with instructions provided.



  1. Remain Calm
  2. Leave the area and if conditions are safe, close doors as exiting to prevent smoke and fire from spreading.
  3. Call 911 from a safe location and report:
    • Name
    • Type of Emergency
    • Location of the Fire
    • What is Burning
    • Company Name
    • Physical Building Address (not building name)
    • Floor and Suite Number
    • Telephone Number
  4. Call the Management Office from a safe location and report the fire.
  5. Emergency Response Team implements the Evacuation Plan.
  6. Evacuate or relocate and assist all others in the immediate area
  7. Close doors behind you to isolate the fire
  8. Proceed to stairwells and listen for instructions. Never use the elevators
  9. Be cautious when opening doors so as not to spread the fire. Touch any door with the back of your hand to see if it is hot before opening.
  10. If smoke is present, stay low and crawl with your body against the floor. The clearest air is near the floor. If forced to make a dash through smoke or flame, hold your breath and cover your nose and mouth with an article of clothing.
  11. Emergency Response Team follows instructions as directed by the local authorities or the Emergency Person In Charge.


  1. Smoke is the number one killer in a fire. Stay low to the ground and move on your hands and knees. Smoke and noxious gases rise, so staying low can save your life.
  2. Know where all emergency stairwells are located, practice exiting and count the number of doorways and hallways between your location and the fire exits. It is nearly impossible to see in a fire because of the smoke. This information helps to ensure that you will find an emergency stairwell and evacuate safely.
  3. Do not accumulate quantities of discarded files or other paper trash in your office or storage area. Pay special attention to housekeeping in those departments that produce quantities of debris, such as duplication machines, mailing and receiving rooms.
  4. Do not store large quantities of flammable solvents, duplicating fluids, or other combustible fluids.
  5. Keep electrical appliances in good repair. Report unsafe conditions to the building office.
  6. When furnishing an office, consider the fire potential of materials used in large amounts, like overstuffed chairs, settees, couches or anything that could become a combustible item. Such furnishings should be flame-proofed.
  7. Where potential for fire is especially high, such as supply rooms, tenants may wish to consider installing additional fire extinguishers.


In some jurisdictions, it is required by local fire code for all tenant employees to receive fire / life safety training. Where not required by code, Robinson Park strongly encourages all tenants to participate in training. In addition, tenants should conduct their own in-house training in accordance with this Plan. Tenants may call the property manager for assistance with presentations, and to review the tenant’s company specific plan.

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