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Homeland Security and Terrorist Activities


If we experience what we believe to be a credible threat in this building, we will alert the building customer contacts. Unless authorities dictate, the decision to evacuate the premises will remain with each tenant. Ultimately, security is everyone’s responsibility, and no security measure can completely prevent terrorist attacks. By working together, however, we hope to create a more secure environment.

Robinson Park has a Threat Level Matrix, based on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) threat advisory color code system. This Matrix provides a list of actionable security options available at each DHS level related to operating procedures that would restrict free and open access to the building. Some of these options include restrictions on the use of the loading dock, the parking areas, lobby control for tenants and visitors, delivery services, etc. Robinson Park trains its staff and the Tenant Emergency Response Team to react to emergencies to help guide tenants to safe areas in the event of a terrorist incident.

If you encounter a suspicious package or substance, please remember these keys to guide your response: Isolation, Notification, and Evacuation:

  • Isolate - Do not attempt to move or pick up the suspicious package / substance, restrict access to the area if safe to do so.
  • Evacuate - Evacuate if danger is obvious, otherwise await direction from authorities.
  • Notify - Call 911 and contact the Management Office.

The following are resources for additional information: